District 6: Deck & Joint

Various locations in MassDOT District 6
Structures Maintenance

Project Overview

Project Overview:

  • Work to date on this job has consisted of mobile concrete bridge deck and joint repairs on a nightly basis using rapid setting concrete and volumetric mixers. This special type of concrete has a much faster set time than conventional concrete which allows the bridge to be open to traffic before the morning commute.
  • SPS has addressed countless emergencies under this job which ensures the traveling public’s safety as well as minimizing potential delays if the bridge had to open at a reduced service for a long period of time.
  • MassDOT issued critical bridge scupper replacement work under this job. A total of (18) bridge scupper assemblies were replaced on I-93 in Boston right over Sullivan Square Station. The work involved coordination with three railroad entities and multiple contractors also working in the area.

Interesting Facts / Figures

Over 300 cubic yards of rapid setting concrete have been placed on this job.