SPS Maintains Commitment to Safety through “Mission to Zero” Initiative

As part of SPS New England’s deep commitment to safety, the firm continues to maintain the “Mission to Zero” Safety initiative.  Initially launched in 2011, the program includes several components that consistently reinforce the SPS culture of safety.  Every member of the SPS Team, from the office to every field/project location throughout New England, is encouraged to be aware of how their actions can contribute to a safe working environment.
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Recovery Month

Recovery Month is a national observance held every September to educate Americans that substance use treatment and mental health services can enable those with a mental and/or substance use disorder to live a healthy and rewarding life. 

SPS believes that behavioral health is essential to overall health, prevention works, treatment is effective, and people can and do recover. Recovery Month is a time to celebrate the gains made by those in recovery. Treatment can save a life and can help people struggling with Substance Use Disorders (SUDs). 

Did you know that the Laborers Union provides access to various resources to help union members with substance abuse issues, if needed? Contact Marc Lyle, Laborer Recovery Specialist for more information. https://local22.com/benefits/

In crisis? Call or text 988 for help today.

Learn more about Recovery Month here: https://www.naadac.org/national-recovery-month

Safe and Sound Week: Mental Health

OSHA’s Safe and Sound Week is held every year at the beginning of August. The goal of Safe and Sounds Week is to recognize the successes of workplace health and safety programs as well as an opportunity for companies to evaluate their programs and make improvements. The focus for 2023 Safe and Sound Week is mental health and well-being.

Many discussion topics in construction focus on physical safety, protecting ourselves and others from bodily harm. What is not often talked about is our mental health. Stress, anxiety, and depression are common in the industry and result in construction having one of the highest rates of suicide and substance abuse. It is important that we talk about these issues to reduce the stigma and encourage all to reach out when help is needed.

Get the Full Details here.

Protect Your Hearing Month

Did you know? 

  1. Exposure to loud noise or certain chemicals while at work can damage your hearing? Occupational hearing loss is one of the most common work-related illnesses and is permanent. 
  2. 22 million US workers are exposed to hazardous noise levels at work each year. 
  3. Reducing workplace noise below 85 dBA is the best way to prevent occupational hearing loss and other effects from hazardous noise. 

Learn more about how to protect your hearing on the job site here: https://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/noise/

March 2025 Safety Focus: Ladders

This month’s SPS Safety Focus is all about ladders.

Do you know there’s a killer on the job that you probably meet face-to-face every day? The common, ordinary ladder. Ladders are involved in many accidents, some of which are fatal. Your life literally can depend on knowing how to inspect, use, and care for this tool.

Check out SPS’s Safety Orientation video segment on this topic…

February 2025 Safety Focus: Traffic Control

This month’s SPS Safety Focus is all about traffic control.

Work zones on roadways are increasingly dangerous places, both for workers and for those traveling through them. Using barricades and warning devices at job sites directs traffic flow and helps to ensure the safety of motorists and workers.

Hi-viz garments are required for ALL workers within the right-of-way. Here are some facts about what makes something “hi-viz”.


Check out SPS’s Safety Orientation video segment on this topic…

January 2025 Safety Focus: Electrical Lock Out/Tag Out

This month’s SPS Safety Focus is all about electrical and lock out/tag out. Did you know an extension cord looks harmless, but most extension cords carry 110 volts of electricity, and 110 volts can kill.

Check out SPS’s Safety Orientation video segment on this topic…

December 2024 Safety Focus: Hazard Communication

Hazardous chemical exposure can cause, or contribute to many serious health effects such as heart disease, kidney and lung damage, sterility, cancer, burns, and skin rashes. Some chemicals may also be safety hazards and have the potential to cause fire, explosions, and other serious accidents. Exposure to chemicals poses a serious problem for both employers and their workers.

OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard states that labels must be prominently displayed on all containers of hazardous chemicals in the workplace, and MSDS’s are readily available in the work area throughout each work shift.

OSHA revised their Hazard Communication Standard to align with the international “Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labeling of Chemicals”, commonly referred to as “GHS”. As a result, manufacturers and distributors of hazards chemicals and products must begin standardizing their container labels to display all of the following information.

Check out SPS’s Safety Orientation video segment on this topic…

November 2024 Safety Focus: Cranes and Hoisting

This month’s SPS Safety Focus is all about Cranes & Hoisting. Always take precautions when working around cranes. 

Working with and around suspended loads requires a full understanding of the hazards they present.

Employees should always take precautions before moving a suspended load. Following these six steps helps to prevent potentially fatal accidents.

October 2024 Safety Focus: Fire Prevention

This month’s SPS Safety Focus is all about Fire Prevention. Have you inspected your fire extinguishers lately? Are they fully charged, strategically located, accessible and ready for use? Or, are they laden with dust, obscurely hidden in some corner, affording a false sense of security?

The following is a brief resume of the classification of fires, and the recommended extinguisher to be used on each…

Fire at a construction site can endanger the lives of workers and others who happen to be on the site. A fire during construction can also result in severe structural damage, and destruction of machinery, equipment, or materials, and untimely delay in project completion.


The fire tetrahedron consists of four elements that must be present for the occurrence of fire. The four elements are oxygen, heat, fuel, and a chemical chain reaction. If you remove any of the essential elements, the fire will be extinguished.